Club Accounts

MAES offers a variety of club accounts to facilitate your savings goals. You can choose from three different accounts depending on your needs: Christmas Club Account, Vacation Club Account and/or Special Purpose Account. All three earn quarterly dividends and require a $5.00 deposit to open.

Christmas Club

Wouldn’t it be fun to do your Christmas shopping next year with cash to pay for all your gifts? Join our Christmas Club and enjoy a prepaid Christmas. Christmas Club Savings plus dividends are automatically transferred to your savings account in October. No withdrawals from a Christmas Club account before the payout date will be permitted. If a withdrawal cannot be avoided, the member must take all funds from the account, forfeit any unpaid dividends, and will not be permitted to deposit to the account until October when the new club period begins again.

Vacation Club

A Vacation Club Account is an easy, convenient way to save for that special dream vacation.

Special Purpose Account

A Special Purpose Account is an account in which you designate your savings goal. Many people opt to use this account to save for taxes and insurance premiums, but it can be used for any purpose you choose.